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10 Ways to Rock The Stage (Literally) During Speech Festival (Prose/ Verse)

The Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival is coming up this November.

Want to grab a trophy? Worry not, our ambassadors have put some pro-tips together for you!

1. Understand the piece you have to perform. Is it about a person? Is it about the beauty of nature? Or is it about something else?


2. Make sure to look up words you don't know!


3. Remember to emote!


4. Not too much, though. If not it's just going to seem really unnatural.


5. Pacing matters. If you're too slow, the audience will fall asleep. If you're too fast, the audience will not be able to understand anything you say.


6. Remember to speak loudly and clearly!


7. Practice, practice, practice. In front of a mirror, a wall, a teacher.


8. Seriously. There is no such thing as too much practicing.


9. Learn how to combat stage fright. Try power posing!


10. But most importantly, remember to have fun!

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